Working across different therapeutic frameworks

 2 hours active CPD

Live CPD workshop: 29th May 2024 from 9am-10:30am AEST online via Zoom and includes extra readings, activities and resources. 

What's included?

  • Powerpoint slides
  • 1/2 hour reflective practice
  • 1.5 hour live CPD
  • Extra resources


This session explores the use of multiple different therapy frameworks within and across therapy. We will explore how this can be done mindfully and deliberately and how this practice intersects and is compatible with Feedback Informed Treatment.


Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own therapy practices as well as working through an extended case study which showcases therapy where multiple therapeutic frameworks have been employed. 

Dr Vanessa Spiller

With a focus on feedback-informed, private practice psychology Vanessa has nearly 25 years experience in Clinical Psychology. Her commitment to evidence based practice and practice based evidence has seen her evaluating her effectiveness with therapy clients for over a decade.
Vanessa has worked in a wide range of areas including child and family counselling, adult mental health, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), disability and homelessness, private practice as well as teaching in the tertiary sector.
Vanessa has a passion for teaching and making information and concepts as accessible as possible for psychologists and clients alike.
"My passion is helping registrars convert complex theory into practical, engaging, client focused information accessible to everyone!"

Dr Vanessa Spiller

Clinical Psychologist
Team Leader & Trainer
Board-approved Supervisor