Partner with PREP!

Registrars are an incredible asset to any clinic, but the workload of meeting all of their regulatory requirements can be overwhelming. 

PREP offers a unique and comprehensive training program developed by senior clinical psychologists, specially designed to bridge common gaps in clinical psychology registrar training. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Download our partnership proposal for employers to learn more

Partnering with PREP offers your organisation access to the only independent registrar training program in Australia, aligning your organisation with industry-leading professional training and services, and offering a competitive opportunity for recruitment and retention of registrars. 

Not sure if you can afford PREP?  In most cases PREP is cheaper than providing supervision in-house.

Do You Want
To Advertise with us?

We want to match wonderful employers with incredible early career psychologists. Our doors are open to organisations of all sizes and types and we are here to support you every step of the journey. Our mission is to develop lifelong learners, inspire creative passion, increase self-confidence and lift professional standards through training.

If you are advertising a job please complete the form below.